News of the faculty

Menschen, Bühne auf Festival

ON Campus Festival - A firework of science

With a colourful mix of hands-on science, art, family activities and party, the ON Campus Festival at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)… more

Renewable Energies - Students and Alumni Regulars' Table

After the successful and very well-attended anniversary celebration last year, students and alumni from the Bachelor of Energy Systems and Renewable… more
Excursion to the Froettmaning wind power plant

Excursion to the Munich public utility company

As a municipal energy company, Munich's public utilities have a duty to help shape the energy transition. Since 2008, they have therefore been… more

Hydrogen - the champagne of the energy transition

And how can it be sensibly used or even produced in a community? The first joint project with a regional partner has started in the Hydrogen… more
Zwei Frauen stehen sich gegenüber

Campus life at THI fascinated hundreds of visitors

Discover virtual worlds, listen to your own muscle power or take a seat in a self-driving car: Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) presented… more
Drei Männer stehen nebeneinander

Minister of Economics Hubert Aiwanger learns about green drive concept at THI

Driving emission-free and hundreds of kilometres without expanding the gas station infrastructure? The Gumpert company and scientists from Technische… more