

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Brandmeier
Electrical Engineering and Vehicle Communication
Prof. Ondrej Vaculin, Ph.D.
Passive vehicle safety and mechatronic systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Helmer
Integral vehicle safety and vehicle technology
Prof. Dr. Lothar Wech
Engineering Mechanics and Vehicle Safety

Test engineers

Tobias Trabert, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Duy Giap Tran

Research assistants

Robert Lugner, M.Sc.
Chief Engineer Institute of Safety in Future Mobility (ISAFE)

+49 841 9348-3340
Dr. rer. nat. Dagmar Steinhauser
Research Assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-3375
Dr.-Ing. Gerald Sequeira
Research Assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-6851
Raviteja Boddu, M. Eng.
Research Associate AI-Motion & C-ISAFEC-ISAFE | PhD student in the Artificial Intelligence Cluster

+49 841 9348-6405
Mia Book, M. Sc.
Research Assistent

+49 841 9348-3841
Dipl.-Ing. Amauri da Silva Junior
Research Asisstant field of competence innovative Mobility (IIMO)

+49 841 9348-6489
Ömer Dönmez, M.Eng.
Research assistant at C-ISAFE | PhD student in the Vehicle Safety Cluster

+49 841 9348-3805
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Huber
Research Assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-3386
Maximilian Inderst, M.Eng.
Research Assistant CARRISSMA

+49 841 9348-3343
Dipl.-Ing. Joed Lopes da Silva
Research Assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-3407
Victor Lopes Gabriel
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter C-ISAFE

+49 841 9348-6412
Lennart Massarczyk, B.Eng.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter C-ISAFE

+49 841 9348-3351
Lukas Rozek, M.Eng.
Research assistant at C-ISAFE | PhD student in the Vehicle Safety Cluster

+49 841 9348-3358
Naveen Shirur, M.Eng.
Research assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-3356
Timothy Sutton
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter C-ISAFE

+49 841 9348-6406
Daniel Vriesman, M. Eng.
Research Assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-3395
Patrick Zaumseil, M.Sc.
Research Assistant CARISSMA

+49 841 9348-3403

Administrative assistants


Scientific Director CARISSMA – ISAFE, Research Professor for Vehicle Safety and Vehicle Mechatronics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Brandmeier
Phone: +49 841 9348-3840
Room: H023
Chief Engineer Institute of Safety in Future Mobility (ISAFE)
Robert Lugner, M.Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-3340
Room: H024
Fax: +49 841 9348-993340


Current calls for applicants can be found on the career website of the THI.

Open positions for thesis and student research assistants can be found on Moodle.


Visiting address
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt

Postal address
Postfach 21 04 54
85019 Ingolstadt