• Support for doctorate students
    If you have any questions about doctoral opportunities at THI, you can make an appointment for a doctoral consultation at the Doctoral School.
  • Information event "PhD at THI"
    An information event is held at regular intervals at which doctoral opportunities are presented. Career options and possible advantages of a PhD are also discussed.
  • "Getting a taste of research
    A good way to get to know research better is to work as a student assistant and/or write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. You will be involved in ongoing research projects. Open positions for student assistants and topics for theses can be found on Moodle. If you do not have access data for Moodle, simply click on the "Log in as a guest" field. If you cannot find a suitable vacancy, we recommend that you contact the scientists in the research area you are interested in directly.

More information

Postersession des 1. CARISSMA-Doktorandenkolloquiums

Ways to your doctorate

Information on our doctoral centres and the possibility of a cooperative doctorate

2 Promovierende betrachten technisches Equipment (close-up der Hände)

Research institutions

Research opportunities within the framework of institutes and fields of competence

Fächer aus 20- und 50-Euroscheinen

Financing your doctorate

Check out possbile financing options


Please contact us via



Managing Director
Dr. Monika Kolpatzik
Phone: +49 841 9348-1560
Room: P207


If there is nothing for you today, we will be happy to inform you automatically about suitable positions as a member of our THI matching pool.

Registration at THI-Matchingpool