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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Three men in front of a white wall

Prof. Dr. Sangho Kim supports at THI Business School

THI Business School welcomes Prof. Dr. Sangho Kim as a visiting professor. The social policy expert teaches at Gwangju Institute of Science and… more
A group of ten people.

Student Teaching Award for Prof. Dr. Jörg Clostermann

For the second year in a row, Prof. Dr. Jörg Clostermann, Vice Dean for Research & Infrastructure and lecturer for Economics, Quantitative Methods and… more
Two men in front of a historical building.

Prof. Dr. Peter Augsdörfer gave research lecture at Université de Bordeaux

Prof. Dr. Peter Augsdörfer, lecturer at the THI Business School for Management Strategy as well as Technology and Innovation Management, is one of the… more
A male person in a building

Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed re-elected as Dean of THI Business School

Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed has been re-elected as Dean by the Faculty Council of THI Business School and will start his next term in autumn. Scheed, a… more
Group picture with eleven people in front of a colorful wall.

EDB students at the Rocketeer Festival 2023 in Augsburg

Students of the Master's program "Entrepreneurship and Digital Business" of THI Business School visited the Rocketeer Festival 2023 in Augsburg… more


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