International project in the International Management (IG) degree program

In the lecture hall, a company representative shows a presentation, a group of students looks at it attentively.

Photo: THI

In cooperation with the Université Bretagne Sud, France, students on the International Management Bachelor's degree program at THI Business School regularly carry out an international project.

The German students support companies from their home country. They work together with students from the partner university, for example by providing information about the other market. The groups communicate via video conferencing tools, teams, telephone and e-mail. The results are presented in a final report, a presentation and a video film. 

As a result, the participating companies are able to make informed decisions about their foreign expansion and assess the relevant risks. Thanks to the project, the company Eloona from Pleinfeld can now equip the metro seats in Paris with wire-knitted seat covers so that they are better protected against vandalism. Following the project, the biotechnology company Bi:coll from Martinsried met with a customer identified in the project in Marseille for further cooperation.

Dr. Peter Augsdörfer, Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, is supporting the project. He is pleased with the good cooperation between the students and the success for the companies: a so-called win-win situation. In addition to marketing and project management skills, intercultural sensitivity is also sharpened.

This project is another example of the comprehensive, practical education students receive at THI Business School while contributing to international business relations and cultural understanding.

Further information on the International Management program will be available at the Bachelor Talk on July 1 at 6 pm. Further details can be found on the study program page. Applications for the winter semester 2024/25 are still possible until July 15.