Unitag 2024: A day full of innovation at THI Business School

In the lecture hall: from the back you can see students listening to a man at the front of the white board.

Photo: THI

The exciting "Unitag" project gave 20 highly talented high school students the unique opportunity to get to know the world of studying at THI Business School. Together with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Zellner, they immersed themselves in a captivating simulation game about setting up a company. From the initial product idea to the flourishing company, the young talents went through all the important steps of the start-up phase.

A special highlight was the inspiring presentation by Emanuel Jacobowsky, student of Artificial Intelligence and founder of the start-up Feldschau AI. He gave an impressive account of the challenges and successes of his own start-up process.

Curious about the diverse range of study programs offered by THI Business School? You can find more information here: THI Business School. Applications for the coming winter semester are possible until July 15, and depending on the study program even until August 31.