(Potential) lecturers and professors

The proportion of women in professorships at Bavarian universities is currently only around 21%. The aim of the "Rein in den Hörsaal!" (Get into the lecture halls!) teaching programme for women initiated by the Bavarian Women's Representative is to significantly increase this proportion in the coming years.

Highly qualified specialists from the field are addressed as potential female professors and contact is established with the universities. Through teaching assignments, these women specialists are given the opportunity to make up for any lack of pedagogical qualifications.

Details of the teaching programme "Rein in den Hörsaal!" can be found on the website of the LaKoF (Landeskonferenz der Frauen-und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Bayerischen Hochschulen).

The LaKoF also offers various doctoral scholarships for female university graduates with and without professional experience.

Currently advertised professorships at the THI can be found at Karriere.

Women's Representative

Officer for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts
Prof. Dr. Michaela Regler
Phone: +49 841 9348-4650
Room: F217
Prof. Dr. Beate Navarro Bullock
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Beate Navarro Bullock
Phone: +49 841 9348-5177
Room: B205